Saturday 23 March 2013

BFF & Banff Film Festival 2013

Last weekend I went to the Banff Film Festival in Stafford, I nestled in to my seat in the theatre full of down jackets and 40 something year old men and watched with awe, excitement and sometimes fear as the intrepid jumped, climbed and paddled their way across the screen. As inspiring as the dare devil acts were, for me there was one overwhelming theme that ran through the first few films: Crossing the Ice, Wide Boyz and Flow Hunters were all about groups of friends doing the things that they love… together.
I had a heart-warming moment as I thought of a friend’s birthday trip I was part of only a few weeks ago in Snowdonia. A T4, T5 and a VW Golf estate parked up in a lay-by housed 6 sleeping climbers one Friday night after work. We woke early took in the snowy views, yawned and headed off up to the Llanberis Pass. We walked up and up and up in low visibility, navigating through gaps in the clouds toward Parson’s Nose. As two groups of three we roped up and started the ascent with two more groups hot at our heels. We topped out on Crib Y Ddysgl and gently strode to the top of Snowdon in almost white out conditions, then gingerly descended down the Miner’s Path in the ensuing darkness. It felt good to get to Eric’s CafĂ© in Tremadog that evening to eat birthday cake, drink wine and chat about the day.
The highlight of the trip for me was at one point during the climb, a solo climber pranced quietly passed us stopping only to ask quickly ‘are you with a guide or instructor?’ to which I responded ‘no, we are just a group of friends!’ As I answered I was hit with a huge sense of pride and I can still feel it now, I’m so happy and constantly amazed that my friends and I have the ability and inclination to go on these adventurous trips. We all look after each other, without the need for baby-sitting or hand holding, there is little or no fear and no drama queens. Having capable friends around you makes these trips even more memorable experiences, knowing you can trust them with your life and that they are willing to trust theirs to you makes the experience and the friendship much stronger. Plus it’s just more fun to do things with your friends!
There was sadly one massive thing missing from the film festival, this was the inclusion of films about women (and no a cute film about a dog called Lily doesn’t count!). I know there are excellent films out there for example Jen Randall’s film Push It about her and her friend Jackie’s fun but remarkable ascent up El Cap; it even fits in with the friendship theme. There is only one thing for it, I’ve decided that I and a few of my female friends are going to have to get out there and start making films about the things we are up to. I’ll have to start saving for a video camera!

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