Tuesday 16 October 2012

Long Long Mynd Hike

My Dad first attempted the Long Mynd Hike in 1996. The challenge is an 80km walk around the Shropshire Hills, for which you are given 24 hours to complete. Dad tried on and off over the following years and finally last year I decided to join him.


He tried his best to prepare me for the challenge but ultimately nothing can prepare you as much as actually trying it. In fact I prepared very little and it showed. I had the wrong equipment on a ridiculously hot October day and made the mistake of checking my feet less than halfway round the route. One look at my weary blister ridden feet and I was on the mini bus waiting to be taken back to Church Stretton vowing I’d never do anything so painful ever again. Of course after a few days rest my feet were back to normal and clouds of doubt filled my head. Maybe it was just psychological? Maybe I could have carried on? I’m definitely doing it next year!

This time I bough better boots, socks and rucksack and I trained! I ran (I hate running) every other day for 2 months. I was going to finish it!


My sister joined us for her first attempt, we tried with the same effort to prepare her and for a first attempt she did well, making 32km before retiring. Keeping Anna’s pace meant after her retirement my Dad and I had plenty of energy left to plod on into the night. Although my blister problem had been solved from the previous year a knee problem developed soon after the half way mark. I carried on regardless but inevitably gave up at 56km. I retired happy to see my Dad carry on into the distance as the sun rose. There was no stopping him.

My sister greeted me at the RV in the hike car park and we rested until 11am, by which time I could just about hobble and was cursing myself for giving up again. We made our way back to the hike headquarters to see if we could find out anything about Dad’s whereabouts. A quick radio check and yes number 076 was still walking and due to finish just before the 24 hour deadline.

I was beaming, bought a souvenir t-shirt and claimed my free breakfast! All of a sudden I didn’t care that I hadn’t finished, Dad was going to and I couldn’t be more proud.

We waited about an hour and went to the road just in time to see him appear in the distance. He practically hopped, skipped and jumped down the road to the finish looking bright and not at all like he had been walking for 23 and a half hours.


On reflection I will be attempting again next year. I don’t care if it takes me until I’m 58, Dad’s determination has inspired me. The plan: to invest in some knee supports and walking poles and to do it solo. I might even do some more running, I can’t wait!

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