Friday 7 September 2012

Mountaineering Museum

I had an idea of starting a Mountaineering Museum: you could collect lots of different types of climbing gear, do displays on different mountaineers and climbers, show loads of amazing photos, do timelines of different ascents of mountains. I don’t mind admitting I got a bit excited about it! You could combine it with a climbing wall and offer it for school trips, exercise and education; schools would love that. I even had plans for the website, which would definitely be interactive, I’d invite people to send in pictures of their beloved climbing gear and tell us a story about it, where it came from or where they have used it.

I used to work in a museum, I used to love leaving my desk and going to look around the collection, I actually learnt something new every day, but it was all about pottery because I was at The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery; a mountaineering one would be so much better.

Shame I didn’t think about it before the Olympics, there might have been a bit of funding going spare. Still I’ll keep it in mind for in case my rolling contract stops rolling.

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