Monday 1 April 2013

Being an Artist Again

I graduated in 2006 with a degree in fine art, I spent almost 6 years volunteering as a board member at an art gallery, was a studio artist, took part in exhibitions, projects, commissions and residencies. I was totally immersed in my life as an artist and I absolutely loved it. My artwork had meaning and it was thought provoking, I was producing work about Alzheimer’s and was even invited to talk about it at events. It was more than pretty pictures and far from the clichéd watercolour painting of a fox.
Two years ago I got my current job as an outdoor education instructor and gradually I’ve slipped away from the art scene, I left the art gallery due to lack of time, I have a shed studio now but I never go in and let my website lapse. I hadn’t quite realised how far it had got until my boyfriend told me he struggled to describe what kind of artwork I do to one of his friends.
This was a turning point for me, it really shocked me and I immediately started work looking at the limited artwork I had done over the last two years. It consisted of drawings, some prints and some photographs. Putting together a new website really helped me to feel better about my past and current artwork. See it here It has even sparked new ideas for artwork.
I’m nowhere near ready to start applying for exhibitions and projects, but I have got a few things up my sleeve…